Lean Management

Lean Management

We are always target-oriented and try to build unique lean manufacturing system which highly matches with routine business operations. Based on advantages that have been cumulated over years in the fields of lean culture, system foundation, talented team and best practices and supported by three process pillars of lean management system, quality management standards and logistics management guidelines, we have ensured managerial consistency and sustainable development which help us to be customers’ most reliable partner for efficient, stable and quality products and services.

Lean Management System

We establish a manufacturing management system standard guided by the lean production philosophy. Based on the six principles of "people involvement, standardization, stable quality, in-time delivery, continuous improvement and intelligent plant", we regulate the management processes including manufacturing, quality, supply chain, safety and human resources. Relying on the development of lean management and the accumulation of experience, we have gathered and cultivated an expert team that can promote the development of lean management continuously, to effectively support the business exploration and the stable improvement of operating performance, and promote management consistency and sustainable development in manufacturing system and its related areas, so that we can provide our customers with stable, efficient and high quality products and services.

Quality Management

Combined with relevant legal requirements, industry standards, customer requirements, practical experience and other aspects of the automotive industry, also on the basis of the basic principles of quality management, we develop quality management guideline covering five areas which are "design and development", "supplier management", "production and service", "measurement system management" and "continuous improvement", aiming at establishing a replicable and scalable quality management model with the goal of improving management level to create a quality management innovation platform with characteristics of Chinese auto component industry.
We continue to focus on the quality tool method and typical manufacturing process, deepen quality talent echelon development and expert team building to organize coaching and on-site support. By enhancing employees’ personal knowledge and problem solving capability, overall quality management level of companies is being improved and professional quality management human resources for the sustainable development of companies is being provided as well.
We pay attention to the era requirements and megatrends of intelligent manufacturing, optimize the evaluation and analysis of strategic quality performance, reshape the strategic quality function based on the innovative thinking of the ecological chain, accelerate the promotion of quality management information construction based on industrial upgrading, and build a new quality management process to meet the evolving business needs, making it the core engine for continuously competitiveness improvement of companies.

Logistics Management

The company has established a unified logistics standard, and put forward clear business requirements in five dimensions which are "strategy & goal", "work organization & resource guarantee", "capacity planning & production planning", "material management & production control" and "improvement & development". In terms of QSTP (quality, service, technology, price) supply chain operation evaluation system, we regard enhancing the overall competitiveness of the supply chain and comprehensive optimization of overall business value flow as the target. By creating synergy among OEMs and suppliers, we realize a faster, more flexible, more efficient and more transparent circulation products and information in the supply chain, ensuring the unity of "material flow, information flow and cash flow", thereby further improving our inventory turns, reducing the risk of supply chain, and improving the supply chain management magnitude, to better meet customer demand.